عقدت لجنة التسيير في الشركة المو ريتانية لتسويق الاسماك، دورتها الرابعة للسنة المالية 2024 بتاريخ 06 دجمبر 2024 في مقر الشركة بانواكشوط، و ذلك تحت رءاسة رئيس مجلس الادارة ، السيد الخليل محمد الطيب ، حيث تناول الاجتماع جدول الاعمال المقرر لهذه الدورة، و
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Read moreصادرات الربع الأول من 2024 مقارنة بنفس الفترة من العامين السابقين Exportations du premier trimestre 2024 par rapport aux deux années précédentes سجلت صادرات الشركة الموريتانية لتسويق الاسماك خلال الربع الأول من 2024 رقما قياسيا مقارنة مع السنتين السابقتين 2022 و 2023 ، حيث بلغ رقم العائدات
Read morela réalisation de l’étude pour la Réforme de la SMCP pour lui permettre de réguler efficacement le Marché SMC N°01/CIAIS/SMCP/2024 MINISTERE DES PECHES ET DE L’ECONOMIE MARITIMESOCIETE MAURITANIENNE DE COMMERCIALISATION DE POISSONS – SMCP/SEM Appel à manifestation d’intérêt relative à la réalisation de l’étude pour la Réforme de la SMCP pour lui permettre de réguler efficacement le Marché SMC N°01/CIAIS/SMCP/2024 Cet Avis
Read moreMINISTERE DES PECHES ET DE L’ECONOMIE MARITIME SOCIETE MAURITANIENNE DE COMMERCIALISATION DE POISSONS – SMCP/SEM Avis d’Appel d’Offres National (AAON)AAON N°01/CPMP/SMCP/2024Pour l’acquisition de matériel de transport(Quatre véhicules fourgonnettes diesel de cinq places)En un seul lot au profit de la SMCP Cet Avis d’Appel d’Offres fait suite au Plan de Passation des Marchés (PPM)-2024 paru sur lesite de l’ARMP (www.armp.mr) en
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, to the reception of the offers relating the current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations (size and quantity) by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr, no later than Monday11 March 2024 to Twelve O’ clock hours GMT (12H00GMT).
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, to the reception of the offers relating the current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations (size and quantity) by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr , no later Wednesday 10 JAN 2024 to 12hours GMT (12H00GMT). SMCP renews
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, to the reception of the offers relating the current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations (size and quantity) by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr , no later Wednesday 13 December 2023 to 12hours GMT (12H00GMT). SMCP renews
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, to the reception of the offers relating the current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations (size and quantity) by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr , no later than Monday 13 November 2023 to 12hours GMT (12H00GMT). SMCP
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company, Mixed Economy Company (SMCP/sem) informs all customers operating in the different markets; it proceeds to count the time of releasing this official news, opening of negotiations on the production of the current season. Accordingly, it invites the interested parties to submit their quotations by fax n° 00222 4 574 55 66, or by email: dc@smcp.mr, not later than Friday September fifteen 2023 at
Read moreThe SMCP informs all customers that export prices are extended until 05/07/2022 for all species, from 02/07/2022. General Management
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company(S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets(Asia,Europa,Africa), it proceeds to count from the date of this release, opening negotiations on production undertaken since the opening of the current season. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr, no later than the wednesday November 22th, 2017 to
Read moreThe Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, opening negotiations on current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr, no later than the Thursday July 06th, 2017 to 17 hours GMT (17H00GMT). SMCP renews his confidence to all clients, and reiterates
Read moreThe Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company, Mixed Economy Company(SMCP/sem) informs all customers operating in the europe market, it proceeds to count the time of releasing this official news, opening of negotiations on the production of the current season. Accordingly, it invites the interested parties to submit their quotations by fax n° 00222 4 574 55 66, or by email: dc@smcp.mr, not later than wednesday 12/04/2017 at 11 h GMT. Nouadhibou, on April
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company, Mixed Economy Company (SMCP/sem) informs all customers operating in the different markets, it proceeds to count the time of releasing this official news, opening of negotiations on the production of the current season. Accordingly, it invites the interested parties to submit their quotations by fax n° 00222 4 574 55 66, or by email: dc@smcp.mr, not later than wednesday 01/03/2017 at 13
Read moreThe Mauritanian Company for the Marketingof Fishes(SMCP/ sem) acknowledges receipt of all the offers presented by its customers,in response to the opening of negotiations,for the sale of small octopus sizes(T6/T7/T8/PR1/PR2/PR3/PR) of the current season. However, it is regrettable to note that the prices proposed remain far below the prices currently applied at the level of Morocco, plus the 7% exemption granted by Japan to Mauritania. Consequently,itinvites
Read moreThe Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company, Mixed Economy Company(SMCP/sem) informs all customers operating in the different markets, it proceeds to count the time of releasing this official news, opening of negotiations to fix prices for small seizes of octopus (T6/T7/T8/PR1/PR2/PR3/PR), of the current season. Accordingly, it invites the interested parties to submit their quotations by fax n° 00222 4 574 55 66, or by email: dc@smcp.mr, not later
Read moreLa SMCP informe l’ensemble des clients que les prix à l’exportation sont prolongés jusqu’au 15/11/2016 pour toutes les espèces, à l’exception du Poulpe produit à partir du 01/11/2016.
Read moreOFFICIAL NEWS The Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, opening negotiations on current production. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr , no later than the Tuesday 29thmarch, 2016 to 12 hours GMT (12H00GMT). SMCP renews his confidence to all clients,
Read moreThe Company Mauritanian Fish Marketing (S.M.C.P) informs all of the customers operating in different markets, it proceeds to count from the date of this release, opening negotiations on currentproduction. Accordingly, it asked interested parties to send their quotations by fax No. 00222 45 745 566, or by email dc@smcp.mr, no later than the wednesdayfebrery 17th, 2016 to 15 hours GMT (15H00GMT). SMCP renews his confidence to all clients, and reiterates
Read moreCOMMUNIQUE DU 31 07 2015 COMMUNIQUE La Société Mauritanienne de Commercialisation de Poissons, Société d’Economie Mixte(SMCP/sem) informe l’ensemble des clients opérant sur les différents marchés, qu’elle procède pour compter de l’heure de la diffusion du présent communiqué, à l’ouverture des négociations portant sur la production de la saison en cours. En conséquence, elle invite les intéressés à lui faire parvenir leurs
Read moreCOMMUNIQUE DU 26 06 2015 COMMUNIQUE / OFFICIAL NEWS La Société Mauritanienne de Commercialisation de Poissons(S.M.C.P) informe l’ensemble des clients opérant sur les différents marchés, qu’elle procède, pour compter de la date de diffusion du présent communiqué, à l’ouverture des négociations portant sur la production artisanale en cours. En conséquence, elle demande aux intéressés de lui faire parvenir leurs meilleures propositions
Read moreCOMMUNIQUE DU 23 06 2015 COMMUNIQUE / OFFICIAL NEWS La Société Mauritanienne de Commercialisation de Poissons(S.M.C.P) informe l’ensemble des clients opérant sur les différents marchés, qu’elle procède, pour compter de la date de diffusion du présent communiqué, à l’ouverture des négociations portant sur la production artisanale en cours. En conséquence, elle demande aux intéressés de lui faire parvenir leurs meilleures propositions
Read moreCommuniqué de presse Les agents de la SMCP chargés du contrôle de la qualité, du pointage et de la pesée des produits de pêche ont prêté serment aujourd’hui Mardi 26/05/2015 au palais de justice devant le président du tribunal Régional de Nouadhibou. Cette audience de prestation de serment a concerné Vingt Six Inspecteurs de Qualité et contrôleurs/pointeurs. Cette action sans précédent rentre dans le cadre des réformes entreprises
Read moreCOMMUNIQUE DU 30/11/2014 COMMUNIQUE La Société Mauritanienne de Commercialisation de Poissons, Société d’Economie Mixte(SMCP/sem) informe l’ensemble des clients opérant sur les différents marchés, qu’elle procède pour compter de l’heure de la diffusion du présent communiqué, à l’ouverture des négociations portant sur la production de la saison en cours. En conséquence, elle invite les intéressés à lui faire parvenir leurs
Read moreCOMMINIQUE DU 22 09 2014 COMMUNIQUE DU 22/09/2014 Suite aux résultats des négociations ouvertes avec les clients japonais le 15 et 16 sept 2014 et le PV de commissions de concertation de prix tenue le mardi 16 sept 2014 a Nouadhibou, la décade de prix pour l’Asie a été modifiée à partir du 22/09/2014 et affichée en conséquence.
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